Information Links |
DOE Directives |
7/31/2023 |
WVDP Site Page |
7/31/2023 |
WVDP Act |
10/31/2023 |
GAO Report Highlighting the Need for Clarity on Disposal Options at the WVDP |
10/31/2023 |
Citizen Task Force Public Meetings |
10/31/2023 |
Public Reading Room |
10/31/2023 |
EIS-0375: Final Environmental Impact Statement |
2/1/2024 |
Environmental |
Air Facility Registration Certificate (9-0422-00005_00099)
8/8/2023 |
Annual Site Environmental Monitoring Report
8/8/2023 |
Federal Facility Compliance Act (FFCA) Consent Order for WVDP (1996)
8/8/2023 |
Final Environmental Assessment for the Decontamination, Demolition, and Removal of Various Facilities (DOE_ED-1552)
8/8/2023 |
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
8/8/2023 |
IAA 89303321SEM000021 US DOE-WVDP with US-EPA
8/8/2023 |
Policy on the National Environmental Policy Act
8/8/2023 |
State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NY0000973) 2011
8/8/2023 |
West Valley Demonstration Project RCRA Part A Permit Application
8/8/2023 |
WVDP Environmental Lab Permit
8/8/2023 |
Asbestos Handling License
8/28/2023 |
EPA Air Permit_WVDP-387
8/28/2023 |
EPA Air Permit_WVDP-587
8/28/2023 |
EPA Approval of RFA to Modify RHWF to Use Plasma Arc Cutting Techniques
8/28/2023 |
NYS Atomic Development Dam #1 and Dam #2 (Reg. ID #019‐3149 and Reg. ID #019‐3150)
8/28/2023 |
Public Water System
8/28/2023 |
RCRA Final Status Permit (6 NYCRR Part 373‐2) ‐ INDEFINITELY SUSPENDED
8/28/2023 |
Replacement Ventilation System (RVS) (WVDP‐RVS‐MPPB‐New‐001)
8/28/2023 |
Resident Canadian Goose Nest and Egg Registration
8/28/2023 |
Underground Injection Control Program Regulation (UICID 11NY00906001)
8/28/2023 |
Water Withdrawal Permit
8/28/2023 |
Bird Depredation Permit Renewal
8/28/2023 |
PBS Registration (#9‐008885)
8/28/2023 |
General Site and Background |
Conceptual Site Model for the WVDP
8/28/2023 |
WVDP GIS-Based Historical Photographic Analysis
8/28/2023 |
Draft TO#2 Implementation Period
10/31/2023 |
Phase 1B End State Model – MPPB Below Grade Structures
10/31/2023 |
WVDP Fire Protection Main Lines, 900-D-5284(001)(023)
10/31/2023 |
CHBWV Org Structure
11/28/2023 |
CHBWV Vendor list
11/28/2023 |
WVDP-220_Subsurface Probing Investigation on the North Plateau at the West Valley Demonstration Project
2/1/2024 |
WVDP-298_1997 Geoprobe Investigation on the North Plateau at the West Valley Demonstration Project
2/1/2024 |
WVDP-346_1998 Geoprobe Investigation in the Core Area of the North Plateau Groundwater Plume
2/1/2024 |
WVDP-494_West Valley Demonstration Project North Plateau Plume Area Characterization Report
2/1/2024 |
(383197) Main Plant Process Building and Vitrification Facility Characterization Data Packages, September 8_2020
2/1/2024 |
(386751) Main Plant Process Building and Vitrification Facility Characterization Data Packages, November 29_2022.pdf
2/1/2024 |
(387152) Main Plant Process Building and Vitrification Facility Characterization Data Packages, March 1_2023
2/1/2024 |
Legal |
Administrative Order on Consent (1992) RCRA 3008(h) Docket No. II RCRA- 3008(h)-92-0202
8/8/2023 |
Consent Decree No. 06-CV-910 (State of NY -v- United States of America)
8/8/2023 |
Consultation and Coordination Plan for the Parties to the Consent Decree in the State of New York, et. al., -v- United States, et. al., Civil Action No
8/8/2023 |
Cooperative Agreement Between USDOE and NYSERDA on the WNYNSC at WV, NY
8/8/2023 |
Court Order 06-CV-810
8/8/2023 |
Memorandum of Agreement Between the Seneca Nations of Indians and the U.S. Department of Energy
8/8/2023 |
Second Supplemental Agreement to the Cooperative Agreement between USDOE and NYSERDA
8/8/2023 |
Seneca Nation - DOE WV 2017-2022 Cooperative Agreement
8/8/2023 |
Seneca Nation of Indians and Department of Energy Cooperative Agreement
8/8/2023 |
Stipulation of Compromise Settlement
8/8/2023 |
Supplemental Agreement to the Cooperative Agreement between USDOE and NYSERDA
8/8/2023 |
The West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) Act (Public Law 96-368) October 1, 1980
8/8/2023 |
Third Supplemental Agreement to the Cooperative Agreement between USDOE and NYSERDA
8/8/2023 |
WVDP MOU Between the USDOE and the US NRC
8/8/2023 |
Long Term Stewardship |
Department of Energy, West Valley Demonstration Project, Waste Management Activities, Record of Decision, Federal Register Notice
8/9/2023 |
Department of Energy, West Valley Demonstration Project, Waste Management Activities, Record of Decision
8/9/2023 |
Management of Environmental Media - Phase 1 Decommissioning of the West Valley Demonstration Project (QP-450-01)
8/9/2023 |
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Findings Statement
8/9/2023 |
North Plateau Permeable Treatment Wall Performance Monitoring Plan (WVDP-512)
8/9/2023 |
North Plateau Permeable treatment Wall Protection and Best Management Plan (WVDP-516)
8/9/2023 |
North Plateau Permeable Treatment Wall, S-09 Storm Water Discharge Outfall and Parshall Flume, Lagoon 3 Embankment, Operations and Main
8/9/2023 |
Phase 1 Characterization Sampling and Analysis Plan for the West Valley Demonstration Project Revision 1
8/9/2023 |
Phase 1 Decommissioning Plan for the WVDP Revision 2
8/9/2023 |
Phase 1 Final Status Survey Plan for the WVDP Revision 1
8/9/2023 |
Record of Decision_Final Env. Impact Statement for Decommissioning and or Long-Term Stewardship at WVDP
8/9/2023 |
Summary_Final Environmental Imact Statement for Decommissioning and or Long-Term Stewardship at WVDP
8/9/2023 |
U.S. NRC Technical Evaluation Report on the U.S. DOE Phase 1 Decommissioning Plan for the WVDP
8/9/2023 |
Volume 1_Final Environmental Imact Statement for Decommissioning and or Long-Term Stewardship at WVDP
8/9/2023 |
Volume 2_Final Environmental Imact Statement for Decommissioning and or Long-Term Stewardship at WVDP
8/9/2023 |
Volume 3_Final Environmental Imact Statement for Decommissioning and or Long-Term Stewardship at WVDP
8/9/2023 |
West Valley Demonstration Project Source Water Protection Plan
8/9/2023 |
West Valley Demonstration Project Waste Management Environmental Impact Statement - Final
8/9/2023 |
Annual Permeable Treatment Wall Monitoring Report – 2023, Revision 1
10/31/2023 |
5-Year Permeable Treatment Wall Monitoring Report – 2021, Revision 1
10/31/2023 |
West Valley Demonstration Project Main Plant Process Building Decommissioning & Demolition Work Plan_WVDP-586
2/1/2024 |
Operations and Support |
NFS 7P-170 Transfer Line Leak
8/9/2023 |
EM_CNS Engineering and Design
8/9/2023 |
CHBWV - IAMAW Bridge Agreement - Technicians 07-28-21 to 08-31-23
8/9/2023 |
CHBWV IAMAW 090120 - 083123
8/9/2023 |
CBA Agreement - Local 17 - 2021-2025
8/9/2023 |
CBA Agreement - Local 621 04_01_22 - 03_31_25
8/9/2023 |
Project Labor Agreement - Per Sundeen is in effect til end of contract including extensions
8/9/2023 |
Bertrand Chaffee Hospital - Letter of Agreement
8/9/2023 |
Bertrand Chaffee Hospital & West Valley Volunteer Hose Company - Letter of Agreement
8/9/2023 |
Cattaraugus County Sheriff’s Office Range MOU
8/9/2023 |
Cattaraugus County Sheriff's Office - Memorandum of Understanding
8/9/2023 |
Erie County Sheriff’s Office Range MOU
8/9/2023 |
Main Plant Process Building & Vitrification Data Packages
8/9/2023 |
Main Plant Process Building (MPPB) and Vitrification Facility Characterization Data Package Request
8/9/2023 |
Main Plant Process Building Isometric Representation
8/9/2023 |
MPPB Sample Status
8/9/2023 |
Safety Evaluation Report for Waste Processing and Support Activities
8/9/2023 |
Technical Final Report for the Lagoon 4_5 Reroute Project
8/9/2023 |
WVDP 584 - MPPB Sampling and Analysis Plan
8/9/2023 |
EM-QA-001 R2 FINAL (04-10-19)
8/23/2023 |
Risk Management Plan for the Rest of the Site
10/31/2023 |
WVNS-DC-071 Remote Handled Waste Facility Design Criteria, Revision 9
10/31/2023 |
WVNS-IRP-006 Remote Handled Waste Facility Integrated Run Plan, Revision 26
10/31/2023 |
(381623) Amended Asbestos Work Notification for Asbestos Removal in the Fuel Receiving and Storage Building
2/1/2024 |
Erie County & Cattaraugus Count - Mutual Aid Agreement
2/1/2024 |
Erie County Medical Center - Letter of Agreement
2/1/2024 |
Mercy Flight - Letter of Agreement
2/1/2024 |
West Valley, New York Fire District 1 - Letter of Agreement
2/1/2024 |
WVDP & Cattaraugus County Office of Emergency Services - Memorandum of Understanding
2/1/2024 |
Waste |
WV-929 (Rev.12)_Waste Incidental to Reprocessing Determination
8/9/2023 |